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When Spot and Arlo met, everything changed. This magical film will have your children mesmerized. This new world of adventure can teach your kids how kindness can change the world in a single moment. Do you know someone who has changed your life? Give our Good Dinosaur coloring pages as a gift and show them […]

You can create an amazing piece of art with our reptile coloring pages. Think about all of the great colors that a reptile can be. All shades and variations of green is just the start. Get creative and make something beautiful. We have all sorts of reptiles. Lizards, snakes, iguana, turtles, sea turtles, chameleon, gecko, […]

Swans are the largest of the geese and duck type birds. They weigh up to 30 lbs and can fly at 60 mph! Did you know they mate for life? They choose one mate and stay with that mate for the rest of their lives. Baby swans can swim after just a few days. You […]

When the Force Awakened, a new little droid was introduced. BB-8 is X-wing fighter, Poe Dameron’s companion and sidekick. A brave and clever little droid in the vein of R2D2, he is a strong character in the Star Wars movies. This little hero’s spherical shape, small stature and communication sounds make him adorable. We get […]

Frankenstein has been a staple of Halloween for as long as we can remember. He’s big, he’s scary, he’s a monster! It’s the perfect spooky combination. Have some Halloween fun with our coloring pages. Bring Frankenstein to life with your crayons! The story of Frankenstein started in 1818 as a novel and was made popular […]

Of all the ways to say Happy Halloween, we think that coloring is the best. Here we have some printable sheets that you can use to say happy Halloween to someone special. We have printable decorative sheets that say the words, plus a collection of ghosts, witches, haunted houses, jack-o-lanterns, and CANDY! Get in the […]

Halloween doesn’t always have to be spooky, sometimes it can be cute. With the kids involved, it’s usually adorable. We have some really CUTE Halloween Coloring Pages for you today. Adorable costumes, characters, and children to print and color. When you’re done with these, we also have adorable Disney Halloween Coloring pages and regular Halloween […]

Halloween is SO much fun, especially with Disney by your side. All of these great characters are dressed up in their costumes and ready to trick or treat with you. Get in the Halloween spirit with our printable coloring pages and your crayons. They’re all free. When you’re done with these, we have so many […]

Teach your children the story of the Tower of Babel with our coloring pages. In the old testament, while Noah’s descendants were rebuilding their world, God wasn’t happy with the pride and vanity that people fell into. They decided to build the biggest most impressive city with the tallest tower anyone has ever seen. They […]

The zodiac is an interesting way to learn more about yourself and others. Whether you believe or not, it’s truly fun to predict, discuss and Color! Each of these 12 signs will tell you how someone looks at life, their strengths, and their weaknesses. If you have questions about life, just look up into the […]