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The Lynx is a medium-sized cat that lives in the forest and the snow. They can be found in the northernmost United States & Canada, Europe, and Asia. They like it cold. Their thick coat of fur keeps them warm in these colder climates. Their widespread paws act like little snowshoes. You can identify a […]

Storks are large birds with long legs and long necks built to wade in water and fish for their food. They grow from 2 to 5 feet tall and live on every continent in the world except for Antarctica. The myth that storks deliver babies started in Germany. It was said that if a stork […]

Lettuce is a fresh and tasty food that is super healthy and wonderfully delicious. Actually, it’s one of the most popular vegetables, second to the potato. Lettuce is full of vitamins and minerals like vitamin A and vitamin K and is a great source of fiber. Did you know that lettuce is super easy to […]

Ice Skating is one of the most fun winter activities you can do. Wait until the water freezes, strap on a pair of skates and go! You can do all sorts of activities on the ice, skate fast (speed skating), dance on the ice (figure skating), and knock the puck around (hockey). But mostly what […]

The harp is one of the oldest instruments in the world. Evidence of the harp was found on the walls of ancient Egypt, 3000 BC. The large instrument simply consists of strings and a soundboard and makes an almost angelic sound when played. If you love the harp, why not make a piece of art. […]

Anteaters are so interesting don’t you think? They have comically long snouts and tongues to match, all devised to catch their favorite food… ants! This is so effective, an anteater can eat 30,000 ants a day! It’s a wonder how nature designs itself. If you’re studying this wondrous creature in school, or just think anteaters […]

Ivy is a beautiful vining plant that creeps across the ground and up the sides of trees and buildings. It only grows about 6″ tall, but can creep along its path to about 50 feet. It symbolizes eternal life because the plant stays green all year. If you think ivy is cool, why not give […]

Cougar, also known as mountain lions, are large cat-like mammals that live in North and South America. They live by themselves and are rarely seen by humans. Large males can weigh over 200 lbs and reach almost 7 ft long. They are the second largest of the big cats in America and the fourth largest […]

Skateboarding is fun, cool, and quite challenging. It takes a lot of practice to skateboard down the street and so much more to do even the simplest of tricks. It’s also a lot of fun to practice. Skateboarding started in the ’50s as a way to surf on land. Everyone was doin’ it by the […]

Petunias are a wonderful flowering annual. They grow and grow and keep on flowering all summer long. Plant them in a container on your patio and watch the magic. Hummingbirds love to eat the nectar from the Petunia flower, so it’s even more fun to watch. If you love petunias or other flowers, why not […]