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Darth Sidious’ alias was Emperor Palpatine. He led two lives, one good one evil, and he pulled all of the strings. His diabolical plans ran through most of the Star Wars timeline that we know. Some fans even claim that the Emperor was Anakin’s father, saying that he manipulated the force to create Anakin. In […]

Rugby is a full-contact sport that started in the early 1800’s. It started in England. The first official international rugby game was played in 1871 between Scotland and England. Similar to football, your team tries to get the ball into the endzone, to score a goal, or a ‘try’. If you love this sport, let’s […]

Billiards, sometimes referred to as Pool, is a fun game of geometry and skillful aim. Use the cue stick to hit the balls into the pockets. He who sinks all of his billiard balls first, wins! You can enjoy billiards too, with our wonderful coloring pages. Theyre all free. Have a blast! Billiards Coloring Pages

Lilacs are the spring gems of flowering shrubs. So much that the lilac is a symbol of spring. Even though they only flower for about 3 weeks, they’re beautiful, profuse with flowers, and smell amazing. There are entire parks dedicated to lilacs. It is the state flower of New Hampshire. If you love lilacs, let’s […]

One of the cutest and most lovable characters in the Star Wars series was Jar Jar Binks. This adorably clumsy fool trips his way into the hands of Qui Gon Jinn, a powerful Jedi and an important part of the story. He makes his way through their adventures virtually unscathed and still lovable. If you […]

The airport is a hub for travelers in any given city. People come to these terminals and fly all over the world via airplane. If you need to go somewhere, you can find yourself in one of these busy places. If you’re learning about travel or the world, why not print our free coloring pages. […]

Zucchini is a wonderfully versatile vegetable and a must for every garden. Grill it, sautee it, fry it, bake it. It tastes great whichever way you cook it. And it’s healthy. It’s high in vitamins, minerals, fiber and it tastes great! If you love zucchini or are learning about vegetables, why not color this fantastic […]

Sloths are adored by many. They’re so unique and adorable. Look in treetops of the tropical forests of South America, and you’ll find Sloth, just hanging out. They’re known for being very slow. Slower than every mammal on earth. They only travel one foot per minute or .17 mph. Now that’s slow! If you’ve got […]

Qui Gon Jinn is an important character in the Star Wars saga. He found young Anakin Skywalker on Tatooine and recognized his special sensitivity to the force. He thought it was important that Anakin be trained. And so sets up the story. If you love Star Wars and have a soft spot for Qui Gon Jinn, […]

Corgis are the cutest short-legged long-bodied dog there is. They were bred to her cattle in Wales. Corgis make great pets. They’re sweet, lovable, loyal, and are eager to please. They’re active, intelligent, and love to cuddle. If you love your Corgi or are thinking of getting one, why not celebrate the breed with your […]