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display artwork Homeschool Crafts – Decorative Art Displays

As parents, we love to display the beautiful artwork that our children create. When a child attends school outside of the home, they often bring home various assignments and creative projects that parents proudly display on the refrigerator, in their offices, and various other places. If you are a parent that homeschools your child, this […]

Nightmare Before Christmas Coloring Pages Free Printable Nightmare Before Christmas Coloring Pages

Is it Halloween, or is it Christmas? The answer from the experts was a resounding ‘both’! Nightmare Before Christmas is a cult classic that is popular with teens, children, and adults alike. It rears its head, not only on the tv screen but on clothing, totes, jewelry, bedsheets, and of course COLORING PAGES! So pull […]

Charlie Brown Christmas Tree Coloring Page Free Printable Charlie Brown Christmas Coloring Pages For Kids

Charlie Brown Christmas, what wonderful memories. This short 25-minute holiday movie from 1965 stole our hearts. Who didn’t love Charlie Brown’s sad little Christmas Tree? Your children can make these memories too!!! Download our Free Charlie Brown Christmas Coloring Pages and celebrate the season with our children. Charlie Brown Christmas Coloring Pages

Frosty the Snowman Coloring page with friends Free Printable Frosty the Snowman Coloring Pages

Everybody LOVES Frosty the Snowman. Since it’s premier in 1969, Frosty is a character the we all remember fondly. Our magical snowman doesn’t know much about the world, but he’s so full of love and cheer, he made us all so happy. The new generation is learning to love him too!  Here we have free Frosty the […]

pre reading development Pre-Reading Development Starts at Birth

Pre-reading development in children is an important part of their future academic success. Many parents do not realize that pre-reading development starts at birth. The sooner parents realize this, the quicker our children will develop the necessary skills that are required to be a successful reader. A successful reader is a successful student. In this […]

emotional intellect Give Your Children the Gift of Emotional Intellect

  As parents, we want our children to be smart and healthy. Many times, we push our children to excel in sports and academics because we believe that this will ensure a strong future for them. However, in today’s fast paced and constantly changing world, we are overlooking something very simple; in order for a […]

pilgrim-and-indian-coloring-pages Free Printable Pilgrim Coloring Pages for Kids

Celebrate Thanksgiving with free Pilgrim Coloring Pages. Teach your children the history of how the pilgrims met and shared with the native Indians in their thanksgiving feast.  OR Listen to a Thanksgiving story while you’re coloring. We have many to choose from: simple, cute, fun, active and historical pilgrim coloring pages to download and print. […]

children-and-adhd Children and ADHD – Common Symptoms of Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive Children

  If you are interested in acquiring information about children and ADHD, it is important that you learn about the signs of ADHD that are directly related to the subtype identified among professionals as “Predominantly Hyperactive/Impulsive”. Children that are diagnosed with this subtype are characterized as having an exceptionally high level of physical activity and, […]

fantasy-moon-coloring-pages Free Printable Moon Coloring Pages for Kids

Our moon is a fascinating subject! Through all its phases and shapes humans have pondered the celestial being out there since the beginning of time. Its so interesting we’ve gone through almost impossible lengths to GO there! Today we have some great printable Moon Coloring Pages. There’s lots of variety here, and some are complex […]

Subtraction Color by Number Math Worksheet Math Coloring Pages

Math coloring pages and worksheets are a fun way to help your children learn. Math may be complicated for some children. Adding a fun activity can help your kids use more of their brain and learn more effectively. Color by Number is a super fun way to get your children doing math. They’re rewarded every […]

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