Search Result For coloring pages

coloring aids children and adults Coloring Aids in Relaxing the Brains of Both Adults and Children

In recent years, coloring has gained an immense amount of popularity – not just with children, but adults, too! Shelves are lined with various types of coloring books that may be enjoyed by the young and the old. In the past, it was common to observe kids surrounded with colored pencils, crayons, and markers, intensely […]

Coloring Therapy Beneficial in Helping Kids That Have Experienced Interpersonal Violence

According to psychologists and developmental specialists, coloring therapy is considered to be exceptionally beneficial among children that have experienced interpersonal violence. Child abuse – while always existent -is becoming increasingly prevalent. It is recognized as one of the most serious problems affecting today’s youth. The term “interpersonal violence” refers to a spectrum of complications which […]

coloring helps childhood anxiety How Coloring Helps Kids Overcome Anxiety

In recent years, mental health professionals have established the fact that coloring is considered to be highly beneficial in helping children overcome anxiety. Just take a step back and observe a child engaging in this favorite pastime. You will quickly find that they are totally engrossed in the activity and that they appear to be […]

Coloring Found to Reduce Agitation and Aggression in Dementia Patients

  Coloring – once thought to be only a childhood activity – is now increasing in popularity among professionals in the medical community that specialize in the treatment and care of patients suffering from dementia. In recent years, there has been an emergent of coloring books, coloring pages, coloring websites, and coloring apps designed for […]

Coloring Therapy Coloring Therapy – The Holistic Approach to Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

  In the United States alone, there are over 3 million cases of alcohol addiction confirmed each year. The addiction to alcohol stems from numerous interconnected factors. These include genetics, life experiences, the social environment, as well as the emotional-based health of the sufferer. While it is true that many consume alcoholic beverages socially and […]

Therapeutic Effects of Coloring for PTSD

Coloring Therapy May Aid in the Neuroplasticity of PTSD Sufferers In recent years, neuroplasticity has gained a lot of attention. Essentially, this is the brain’s capacity to change and engage in the process of adaptation on a physiological level; however, many scientists, neurologists, and other medical professionals believe that it could also aid in psychological […]

coloring therapy for kids Coloring Therapy for Kids: How it Works

According to professionals, coloring created through the context of a therapeutic-based relationship is highly effective in aiding children through the process of self-exploration, coping with various types of disabilities, and aiding in the management of emotions. Coloring therapy is more than just child’s play. Therapists that specialize in this type of art therapy work to […]

adult coloring therapy 3 Benefits of Adult Coloring Therapy

We often view coloring as an activity for kids. For years, coloring has kept kids occupied, helped them develop motor skills, and have opened up the imagination of children. Today, we are starting to find that there are many therapeutic benefits for adults that elect to color. Adult Coloring Therapy is very beneficial. Coloring is […]

coloring therapy for addiction Coloring Therapy for Addiction

Coloring therapy for addiction is now considered to be highly productive option. There are several treatment options available for those that want to overcome the bonds of drug and alcohol addiction. The most common type of treatment is admission to an addiction treatment center. These centers offer various types of therapy. Examples include individual therapy, […]

coloring can help improve math skills Coloring Can Help Improve Math Skills

According to leading educators and researchers, kids that are exposed to colors, shapes, and patterns have better math skills than children that are not consistently exposed to colors, shapes, and patterns. In fact, if you evaluate early educational programs, you will find that children are taught their colors, their shapes, and introduced to patterns even […]