Santa Claus Coloring Pages
By Best Coloring PagesJune 27th 2013
Santa Claus, sometimes simply known as Santa, is a legendary and mythical figure with folkloric and historical origins. In many western cultures, he is believed to bring gifts for good children on the night of December 24. He is traditionally known to live in the North Pole with his reindeer and a large group of magical elves. He keeps a list of all the children in the world and categorizes them into two groups – naughty and nice – based on their behavior throughout the year. The nice children receive candies and toys on Christmas Eve while the naughty ones do not get anything. However, in certain European countries, children receive presents from Santa on December 6, St. Nicholas’ Day. Santa Claus is commonly described as a bearded old man in red and white clothes wearing a red hat, sometimes with spectacles, who travels in a flying sleigh pulled by nine reindeer. This modern figure of Santa was originally derived from the Dutch holiday figure Sinterklaas. The modern-day Santa often appears on various kids’ products and has become a very popular subject for coloring pages. Santa coloring pages make excellent holiday crafts as they help kids get into the Christmas spirit while having fun with colors.
Santa Coloring Pages

Santas Bag Coloring Page

Santas List Coloring Page

Santas Toys Coloring Page

Santas Facew Coloring Page

Happy Santa Coloring Page

Santa Ringing Bell Coloring Page

Merry Christmas Santa Coloring Page

Santas Sleigh Coloring Page

Bugs Bunny Dressed As Santa Coloring Page

Mickey Mouse Is Santa Coloring Page

Santa Ringing Bell Coloring Page

S Claus In Sleigh Coloring Page

Santa Decorating Tree Coloring Page

Santa And Rudolph Coloring Page
These coloring pages also remind children to be good so that they can receive gifts from him on Christmas Eve.