Palm Sunday Coloring Pages
By Best Coloring PagesFebruary 1st 2018
“The Spirit drove Jesus out into the wilderness and he remained there for forty days, and was tempted by Satan” (Mk 1:12-13) Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, fasting. He did this for us, to sacrifice for the sins of man. “He took your temptation and gave you his victory”. We observe this period as Lent. When Jesus returned from the desert and made his triumphant ride into Jerusalem on a young donkey, the people celebrated his arrival with palm leaves to show their respect. Palm branches are a symbol of peace and victory. The donkey symbolizes peace. He arrived just before his crucifixion… a week later, Jesus Christ would rise from the dead on Easter Sunday to show us that there is everlasting life. In the Christian religion, Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent. It lasts for 40 days. Palm Sunday is the final Sunday of Lent, and the beginning of the holy week prior to Easter. In church, Christians carry Palms in a procession into mass on Palm Sunday. When the mass is over, since the palms are blessed they aren’t allowed to be thrown in the trash. Instead, the church keeps them for the year and incinerates them to become the ashes for the next year’s Ash Wednesday ceremony. You can teach the lessons of Jesus with our free Palm Sunday coloring pages. Share them with your children, Sunday School, or Classroom.
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Palms Sunday Coloring Pages