Search Result For food

Stalk Of Celery Coloring Page Celery Coloring Pages

Celery is a super healthy vegetable that most kids love. Add some peanut butter and raisins, also very healthy foods, and you have ‘ants on a log’, a delicious, nutritious snack! Celery contains vitamin C, lots of fiber, and tons of antioxidants that help protect your body. Celery is considered a ‘negative calorie’ food, which […]

Artichoke Coloring Pages Artichoke Coloring Pages

Artichokes are delicious and fun to eat. Peel a leaf and scrape the ‘meat’ off with your teeth. Most artichokes are stuffed with bread or breadcrumbs to make them even more delicious. Did you know that the artichoke is one of the oldest food known to human beings? It’s good that they’re very healthy then! […]

Jack Russell At Food Bowl Coloring Page Jack Russell Coloring Pages

Jack Russell Terriers make the best pets. They’re a fun, friendly, smart, and very very energetic dog breed. Have you ever seen how high a Jack Russell can jump? They can be your favorite frisbee partner for years. If you love your Jack Russell or are thinking of getting one, you’ll have a great time […]

Zucchini Coloring Page Squash Coloring Pages

Squash is a wonderful staple in the garden and a true sign of Autumn, the harvest, and abundance. Squash makes delicious and nutritious food to eat. It stores for a very long time so you can eat them all winter long. Types of squash like pumpkins also make such a wonderful decoration for your home […]

Puffin At The Sea Coloring Pages Puffin Coloring Pages

Puffins are birds that live by the sea. They catch their food by diving down into the water from the air. We like to call that, sky fishing.  They live in colder areas all over the world. Canada, North East United States, Greenland, Northern Russia, and Iceland. Puffins are mainly black and white but are […]

Coconut Printable Coloring Page Coconut Coloring Pages

Coconut is a fun delicious food that is very healthy. It’s good for your heart, cholesterol, and immune system and is packed with nutrients and minerals. Coconuts grow in tropical regions way up high in a tree. People had to climb all the way up these trees to harvest the coconut fruit. Sometimes farmers use […]

Stork And Baby Coloring Pages Stork Coloring Pages

Storks are large birds with long legs and long necks built to wade in water and fish for their food.  They grow from 2 to 5 feet tall and live on every continent in the world except for Antarctica.  The myth that storks deliver babies started in Germany. It was said that if a stork […]

Butternut Lettuce Coloring Page Lettuce Coloring Pages

Lettuce is a fresh and tasty food that is super healthy and wonderfully delicious. Actually, it’s one of the most popular vegetables, second to the potato. Lettuce is full of vitamins and minerals like vitamin A and vitamin K and is a great source of fiber. Did you know that lettuce is super easy to […]

Anteater Eating Ants Coloring Page Anteater Coloring Pages

Anteaters are so interesting don’t you think? They have comically long snouts and tongues to match, all devised to catch their favorite food… ants! This is so effective, an anteater can eat 30,000 ants a day! It’s a wonder how nature designs itself. If you’re studying this wondrous creature in school, or just think anteaters […]

Milkshake In A Glass Coloring Pages Milkshake Coloring Pages

Milkshakes are a fun and delicious treat. Sweet ice cream, chocolate, fruit, even caramel. What’s not to love?  They’re so great, families plant entire outings around them. You could go on a date to get one. When you win the baseball game, where do you go? To get ice cream. If you love milkshakes, why […]

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