Search Result For fruit

Baker Making Muffins Coloring Page Muffin Coloring Pages

Muffins are delicious and filling and a great addition to your breakfast, lunch, or even dinner! Muffins come in all flavors and varieties. Fruit, nut, corn, grain, and vegetables, and in any combination. If you’re a muffin fan, let’s color some. There are a lot to choose from here. Print and color them all for […]

Full Balanced Breakfast Coloring Page Breakfast Coloring Pages

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I say it’s the most delicious! Fluffy pancakes with syrup, french toast, fruit, eggs, and BACON. Bring em on! If you love to eat breakfast, you might just love to color breakfast. We have a bunch of fun free coloring pages to help you […]

Blackberries Coloring Page Blackberries Coloring Pages

Blackberries are a delicious fruit right off the bush. Sweet and tart they make great jams, pies, and all kinds of deserts. Do you love blackberries? Would you like to color some? Here are a handful of beautiful coloring pages to help you create your masterpiece. Print all of our coloring pages for free. Blackberries […]

Stalk Of Celery Coloring Page Celery Coloring Pages

Celery is a super healthy vegetable that most kids love. Add some peanut butter and raisins, also very healthy foods, and you have ‘ants on a log’, a delicious, nutritious snack! Celery contains vitamin C, lots of fiber, and tons of antioxidants that help protect your body. Celery is considered a ‘negative calorie’ food, which […]

Coconut Printable Coloring Page Coconut Coloring Pages

Coconut is a fun delicious food that is very healthy. It’s good for your heart, cholesterol, and immune system and is packed with nutrients and minerals. Coconuts grow in tropical regions way up high in a tree. People had to climb all the way up these trees to harvest the coconut fruit. Sometimes farmers use […]

Butternut Lettuce Coloring Page Lettuce Coloring Pages

Lettuce is a fresh and tasty food that is super healthy and wonderfully delicious. Actually, it’s one of the most popular vegetables, second to the potato. Lettuce is full of vitamins and minerals like vitamin A and vitamin K and is a great source of fiber. Did you know that lettuce is super easy to […]

Milkshake In A Glass Coloring Pages Milkshake Coloring Pages

Milkshakes are a fun and delicious treat. Sweet ice cream, chocolate, fruit, even caramel. What’s not to love?  They’re so great, families plant entire outings around them. You could go on a date to get one. When you win the baseball game, where do you go? To get ice cream. If you love milkshakes, why […]

Open Peach Coloring Page Peach Coloring Pages

Peaches are fuzzy, sweet, and delicious to eat. They are stone fruit, which means there is a pit or stone in the middle. They’re a favorite summer fruit that is healthy and nutritious, with tons of vitamin C. Peaches range in color from yellow to orange and every shade of peach in between. Use your […]

Pie Coloring Pages Pie Coloring Pages

Pie is the best. America’s favorite dessert! You know it’s a party when there’s pie. Especially when there’s more than one. And you know they’re so much fun, there are pie-baking contests and pie-eating contests. Theres apple pie, cherry pie, banana cream and pumpkin. There’s also blueberry, blackberry, boysenberry, rum! If you love pie, if […]

Kwanzaa Illustration Coloring Pages Kwanzaa Coloring Pages

Kwanzaa is the Swahili word for ‘first’. It means first fruits. The holiday of Kwanzaa celebrates the harvest. Kwanzaa was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga in 1966, so it had its 50th Birthday in 2016! If you want to reconnect with your African roots and heritage, why not learn through coloring. Use our coloring pages […]