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Pine Cone Coloring Pages Pine Cone Coloring Pages

You’ve seen a pine cone. It hangs from a pine tree and contains pine nuts which are seeds that make more baby pine trees when the cone drops to the ground. Pine trees, and their cones, are one of the oldest trees, dating back to prehistoric times – 150 million years ago. It makes sense […]

Celebrate Freedom Juneteenth Coloring Page Juneteenth Coloring Pages

June 19th, 1865 is a very very special day. It was the day that General Order No. 3 was issued. This was a legal decree that the Emancipation Proclamation that freed the slaves was enforced in Texas. All of the remaining slaves were freed that day. We celebrate this day to “commemorate African American freedom […]

Ash Ketchum With Pikachu Coloring Page Ash Ketchum Coloring Pages

If you love Pokemon, you already know, Ash Ketchum is our main guy. At 10 years old, Ash starts his Pokemon trainer career in Episode 1 where he gets his Pikachu, and they’ve been together as the stars of the show ever since – all 25 seasons. Still 10 and still striving to be the […]

Y Is For Yarn Coloring Page Knitting Coloring Pages

Knitting in the past was one of the few ways humans had to create clothing to keep us warm. The method started 900 years ago! Now knitting is merely a hobby. But what a FUN hobby. It does take some time to learn but it’s exciting to make your own scarves and hats and socks. […]

Charlie And Lola Holding Hands Coloring Page Charlie and Lola Coloring Pages

Charlie and Lola are the best of friends. Charlie is the older 9-year-old brother to the 4-year-old Lola. He takes very good care of her and helps her learn. This story started out as a book. An award-winning book. Not too much later there were 15 books. And then finally a tv series. If your […]

Jabba The Hutt Coloring Pages Jabba the Hutt Coloring Pages

If you know Star Wars, you know Jabba the Hutt. He may look like a big slug, but he was a very powerful crime lord. Mean and unforgiving too, if angered he might send you through the trap door to meet his rancor. A fate most do not survive. He’s not happy, nor is he […]

White House Government Coloring Page American Government Coloring Pages

The American Government does very hard work for its citizens, every single day. They make sure that the economy provides its people with things like education, military protection, highways for transportation, and the preservation of national parks.  America’s government is elected by citizens. We call it a democracy.  Print all of our coloring pages that […]

Ewok Pointing Coloring Page Ewok Coloring Pages

Ever been to the forest moon of Endor? You might have come across these little creatures called Ewoks. They might look cute and furry but they’re clever and can do some damage. They might be just the distraction you need if you ever find yourself in a battle with Stormtroopers. But for now, we’re just […]

Berenstain Bears Printable Coloring Page Berenstain Bears Coloring Pages

Berenstain Bears is a book series that started in 1969 all the way to today with over 300 books published! In 2003 it made its way to television. Join Mama, Papa, Brother, and Sister bear in their treehouse as they learn about family, their roles, and relationships. If you love these books or the animated […]

Plate Of Christmas Cookies Coloring Page Christmas Cookies Coloring Pages

I can tell you in total honesty that I truly believe the very best thing about Christmas… is cookies!!! They’re so yummy and delicious, and the choices are so diverse you’ll never get bored with cookies. Sugar cookies and chocolate chip cookies and chocolate bars, gingerbread… I want them all! Well, if it’s not time […]