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Dominican Republic Map Coloring Page Dominican Republic Coloring Pages

The Dominican Republic is a tropical paradise located on the island of Hispaniola in the Greater Antilles archipelago of the Caribbean Sea. There is warm temperatures and lots of rainfall. It is a land of diverse and breathtaking natural landscapes, the most beautiful beaches in the world, and many national parks. It is home to […]

Cameroon Flag Coloring Page Cameroon Coloring Pages

Cameroon is a country in central Africa that sits on the Gulf of Guinea. There are numerous climates and landscapes, including mountains, beaches, swamps, deserts in the north, and tropical rainforests in the south. It inhabits interesting wildlife as well. Over 1500 species of butterflies, and the world’s largest frog, the Goliath Frog! These, along […]

Albania Coat Of Arms Coloring Page Albania Coloring Pages

Albania is a gorgeous country on Europe’s Balkan peninsula, that borders Greece. The climate is Mediterranean with mild winters and warm sunny summers. Its landscapes are stunning with mountains, castles, and a gorgeous coastline with exotic beaches. There is so much great food here, but most importantly to Albanians is their love of coffee. It’s […]

Olympic Flag Coloring Page Olympics Coloring Pages

The Olympics is a fascinating and exciting sports event where the best athletes in the world compete. It started with the first games in Athens Greece in 1896, inspired by the original games in Olympia Greece in the 8th century BC! Every 4 years, the most skilled athletes from over 200 teams from every continent […]

Moai Easter Island Coloring Page Chile Coloring Pages

Chile is a fascinating country. It starts in the Andes mountains where over 1300 volcanos are located. Some of them are still active! Then we move to Easter Island, 2300 miles from Chile’s west coast. On this island, there are miles of lava tunnels and caves. Most interestingly, you’ll find 900 humongous stone head figures […]

Map Of Switzerland Coloring Page Switzerland Coloring Pages

Switzerland is a breathtaking place with its stunning mountains and beautiful lakes. The Swiss Alps cover 60% of the country, along with surrounding countries, and there are over 10,000 named mountains in Switzerland. That also means there is tons of nature and animals, especially seeing that 30% of Switzerland is forest area. You may start […]

Flag Of Greece Coloring Page Greece Coloring Pages

Greece is a fun and fascinating place with a long ancient history full of class and culture. Its first civilization began 5200 years ago (3200 years BC!) Ancient architecture still exists today and is a testament to all of the great things happening in Greece so long ago. Greece was a hub for sports, philosophy, […]

Chip And Potato Scene Coloring Page Chip and Potato Coloring Pages

It’s time to get happy with Chip and Potato and a slew of other characters. Your tots can’t help but smile, laugh, sing, and dance. When Chip the pug starts kindergarten, she’s not alone. She has the help of her secret mouse pal, Potato who hides right in her pocket. Come along as Chip and […]

Cuphead Characters Coloring Page Cuphead Coloring Pages

It may look like the ’30s but you can play the Cuphead video game right now. When Cuphead and Mugman brothers wander from home and wind up on the wrong side of the tracks… in the casino. When the Devil owns the casino, what can go wrong? When you lose, there goes your soul. Time […]

Vision Lineart Coloring Page Vision Coloring Pages

Vision, an exciting Marvel character is not a man or machine. He is an android, or to be more specific, a Synthezoid made of vibranium. Vision was created by Tony Starks AI, named Utron, to become his body. Though Ultron ultimately turns supervillain, Vision is saved and given life with the Mind Stone. Vision is […]