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coloring helps childhood anxiety How Coloring Helps Kids Overcome Anxiety

In recent years, mental health professionals have established the fact that coloring is considered to be highly beneficial in helping children overcome anxiety. Just take a step back and observe a child engaging in this favorite pastime. You will quickly find that they are totally engrossed in the activity and that they appear to be […]

Steps to Boosting Your Mental Health

It is extremely important to have a good mental disposition. People who have poor mental health often suffer from depression, apathy, and a long list of medical ailments. People who have good mental health are often self-confident, happy, and successful. If you are interested in ways that you can improve your mental health, read on, […]

emotional intellect Give Your Children the Gift of Emotional Intellect

  As parents, we want our children to be smart and healthy. Many times, we push our children to excel in sports and academics because we believe that this will ensure a strong future for them. However, in today’s fast paced and constantly changing world, we are overlooking something very simple; in order for a […]

Therapeutic Effects of Coloring for PTSD

Coloring Therapy May Aid in the Neuroplasticity of PTSD Sufferers In recent years, neuroplasticity has gained a lot of attention. Essentially, this is the brain’s capacity to change and engage in the process of adaptation on a physiological level; however, many scientists, neurologists, and other medical professionals believe that it could also aid in psychological […]

law of attraction vision board The Law of Attraction: Utilizing Color to Create a Highly Empowering and Productive Vision Board

Coloring is more than just adding vibrancy to the pages of coloring books and coloring pages – especially if you utilize the Law of Attraction in your life. If this particular law holds relevancy in your life, you know and understand that by altering each of our thoughts, we have the potential to also alter […]

coloring therapy for kids Coloring Therapy for Kids: How it Works

According to professionals, coloring created through the context of a therapeutic-based relationship is highly effective in aiding children through the process of self-exploration, coping with various types of disabilities, and aiding in the management of emotions. Coloring therapy is more than just child’s play. Therapists that specialize in this type of art therapy work to […]

kitten coloring Free Printable Kitten Coloring Pages For Kids

Kittens are the CUTEST animals arent they? Small and fluffy animals that are great pets. They are known for their playful nature, their loud meows and sparkling eyes as well as for being adorable playmates to their masters. Along with dogs, kittens have been man’s close companion for a long time and so they have left […]

benefits of coloring for all kids Coloring Pages Benefit Both Normal Kids and Disabled Kids

  Parents tend to think of coloring as not much more than something fun to keep kids occupied for a while. Coloring does much more than this though. While kids are having fun coloring pages that interest them, they are also learning and developing necessary skills. The benefits kids get from coloring applies to disabled […]

coloring therapy for addiction Coloring Therapy for Addiction

Coloring therapy for addiction is now considered to be highly productive option. There are several treatment options available for those that want to overcome the bonds of drug and alcohol addiction. The most common type of treatment is admission to an addiction treatment center. These centers offer various types of therapy. Examples include individual therapy, […]

geometric patterns Geometric Coloring Sheets Help Teens Struggling with Math

Is your teen struggling in math? If you answered “yes”, you may be pleased to know that geometric coloring sheets offer many educational benefits to teenagers that experience complications understanding and mastering mathematical concepts. In most early childhood educational programs, you will find that a strong emphasis is consistently placed on colors and shapes. This […]