Free Printable Fairy Coloring Pages For Kids
By Best Coloring PagesJune 27th 2013
Fairies are mythical creatures that appear in the folklores from almost all cultures and countries. They are often described as small and beautiful human-like beings with a pair of wings. However, in some cultures all magical creatures, including gnomes and goblins, are referred to as fairies. But for small children, they are small winged creatures with magical powers. Fairies often appear in bed-time stories, with their name giving rise to the term “fairy tales”, making them one of the best-loved mythical beings among kids. They have also appeared in many of the literary works by the great English author Shakespeare.
The fairy godmothers from the stories of Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty as well as the character of Tinkerbell from Peter Pan are some of the most favorite fairy characters from bedtime stories. But, fairies are not always on the good side with evil characters like the old fairy from Sleeping Beauty trying to kill the princess exiting as well. Still, children love fairies like they love other mythical beings like mermaids and goblins because with these characters, they can travel to an unknown magical world where anything is possible. They love fairy coloring pages for the same reasons as these coloring pages allow them to let loose their fantasy and fill the pages with the colors of their imagination.
Popular varieties of fairy coloring pages include those featuring characters like Tinkerbell and the Fairy Godmother.