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Coloring Therapy Helps Kids with Oppositional Defiant Disorder

By April 25th 2016


According to studies, coloring may prove to be highly beneficial to kids that have been diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD).

While it is true that well-behaved kids may prove to be a bit difficult at times, those children that have persistent bouts with anger, argue consistently, have a high level of irritability, and are extremely defiant are often diagnosed as having oppositional defiant disorder.

Parents and caregivers of kids diagnosed with this condition may find themselves completely overwhelmed and at a complete loss at how to manage and help a child with this condition; however, in recent years, experiments with coloring therapy have proven to be highly successful in reducing the symptoms of the condition and providing kids with relief.

Additionally, parents and caregivers have found that the effects of coloring therapy have been so effective that they have been able to have positive interactions with the kids and have been able to successfully manage the behaviors in kids with the condition.

The Symptoms
Children that have oppositional defiant disorder may display a multitude of symptoms. In some instances, it may be difficult to determine if a child is simply strong-willed, or has this medical condition. The publication known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), lists the symptoms that are required in order to diagnose a child as having oppositional defiant disorder. The following outlines these ODD symptoms:

  • The child must have a minimum of four symptoms from any of the following: anger and mood, defiant behavior, argumentative behavior, and/or vindictiveness.
  • The symptoms must occur with one person other than one that is a sibling.
  • The symptoms must result in a high amount of problems at home, at school, and/or at work.
  • The symptoms must occur as standalone symptoms and not be related to another psychological problem, such as depression or the use/abuse of substances.
  • The symptoms must last a minimum of six months.

There are several symptoms that may occur with a child that suffers from ODD. Examples include:

  • Losing the Temper
  • Annoyed by Others
  • Visible Anger
  • Arguing with Authority Figures
  • Refusal to Comply with Rules and Requests
  • Blames Others
  • Being Spiteful

How Does Coloring Help?
It is a known fact that all children are considered to be highly creative creatures. By being providing with the ability to artistically express themselves, children will become calmer.

They will start to understand boundaries through the lines that they are presented with. Regardless of how a child colors, adult caregivers may provide the child with recognition and praise for a job well done.

As a result, kids will become more enthusiastic to please those around them. Additionally, coloring offers a wonderful means of connecting with a child.

When a kid colors, their defenses are down and they are more open and receptive to others around them. This will provide you with the ability to openly talk with your child without their feeling as if they must be defensive.

If you are ready to help alleviate the symptoms of oppositional defiant disorder in your child, download our beautiful coloring pages to help you achieve success.

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