
America, the land of the free, home of the brave. A place where anyone in the world can …

Mexico is a large country just at the bottom of North America. To its north is the United …

Canada is the 2nd largest country in the world but officially it was a little late to the …

A Judge is a person who runs a court of law. They’re the person who knows the law …

Detectives are interesting, intelligent, and adventurous, the stuff made of characters in books in movies. Our most famous …

The Rainforest is a tropical biome. The weather is hot and humid and rains most of the year. …

Being a Chef is a noble vocation. A chef loves food. A chef loves to cook for people. …

Being a Mechanic is an awesome career. You can work on SO many things. Everyday automobiles, motorcycles, heavy …

Being a pilot is a fun and exciting career. Pilots fly small airplanes, large cargo planes, commercial aircraft, …

We all have hair. We all need to get it cut from time to time. Who does that …