Advent is the tradition in the Christian religion, of the countdown to Christmas. It was told that a new savior would be born. So the people waited. And prepared for Jesus’ birth. Here are some great advent coloring pages for you and your family to share, to get quiet, and reflect on Jesus and your faith.
Advent Coloring Pages

Advent Nativity Coloring Page

Advent Calendar Printable Sheet

Advent Santa Coloring Page

Advent Coloring Pages

Advent Baby Born Coloring Page

Advent Candles Coloring Page

Advent Christs Birth Coloring Page

Advent Baby Jesus Coloring Page

Advent Savior Coloring Page

Advent Coloring Page

Advent Wreath Coloring Page

Advent Candles Coloring Page



Advent Is Here Coloring Page

Advent Candles Coloring Pages

Advent Candles And Wreath Coloring Page

Advent Birth Of Christ Coloring Page

Advent Manger Coloring Page

Advent Savior Is Born Coloring Page